Ma Ananda Sarita

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(S. Akin aka Mahasatvaa Ma Ananda Sarita)

She met Osho in Mumbai India at the age of 17, and subsequently remained in his commune for the next 26 years, receiving much personal guidance from him on the subject of meditation, Tantra, love and relationship.

She began teaching in 1990 and moved to Europe in 1999 where she established a school devoted to Tantra and Healing Arts. She is author of two books on Tantra and also publishes a monthly newsletter and numerous articles in a wide range of magazines. She has developed 8 levels of training for couples, which has been running successfully in Europe since 1998. She also teaches a Tantra Meditation Retreat in Dharamsala India, offering profoundly transformative experience of 112 methods from the 5000 year old scripture, The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. She offers an international Tantra Teachers Training in France, comprised of 4 two week modules, and numerous other Tantra groups.

Sarita is on the faculty of two universities, in London and Amsterdam, as an experiential Tantra Teacher.

Contact Details

Ananda Sarita
Tantra Essence
2001 : Tantric Love
2003 : Tantric Sex
2004 : Sexualité tantrique
2005 : Tantricheskaja ljubov' (Тантрическая любовь)
2011 : Divine Sexuality
TBA : Sacred Japan Tour
TBA : Balanced Nutrition
2011 : Chakra Dance Meditation
2011 : Tantra for Lovers: Soul Mate Meditation
2011 : Mahamudra Meditation
2011 : Tantra from Mongolia: Universal Heart Meditation

see also
Sarita on facebook
Ma Prem Madhuri, Sarita's sister
Ma Devadasi, Sarita's mum
The City of Rajneeshpuram
Meeting Osho for the first time