Sw Prem Avinashi

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(Vishnu Ratna)

By profession I am an Electronics Engineer working in India for management certifications.

I became interested in Osho and became a sannyasin in 1979.

My interest has been in understanding matter/ energy/ time/ space and consciousness. Osho has helped me to understand life. In moments of sadness, grief, anger, sex , lust, darkness surrounds us and we lose our consciousness. In moments of joy and grief energy varies and affects our psyche. The negativity cannot be solved through analysis. But the energy can be transformed through watching. Meditation is to watch and allow energy in a let go state without analysis and rationalisation.

Human psyche has been studied both in the west and in the east. Western psychology is analytical. It is study of the mind by the mind. Mind is considered as an object of study. Western psychology has failed to solve human problems of misery and despair through analytical methods.

For the mystics transcendence of mind was the goal to dissolve misery and despair. It is going beyond mind. Meditation is an art to transcend mind to be transported into a state of "no-mind". It is only in a tranquil and a quite state when there is no thought, not a ripple, that we reach to our center. Call it God or existence or whatsoever. One is transformed and transported into a totally different space or dimension where there is no misery, no darkness. It is in this state that misery is dissolved. The answer lies therefore not in solving the problems of the human mind but to reach to a state where the mind dissolves.

Osho's contribution to the world of mysticism is unparalleled. He has brought back to life all the previous mystics and saints and made it understandable in today's language.He is a Master Par Excel lance.

My most favorite OSHO books are : "BOOK OF SECRETS" (Vigyan Bhairav Tantra) and 'Yoga Alpha and Omega (Patanjali)

I have been a center coordinator for "Osho Satpriti Meditation Centre" initially at Lucknow and now at Kanpur.

The center provides help to those who are in turmoil and torn apart. They need help through personal counseling to enter meditative spaces.

Contact Details

8/13, Second Floor, Arya Nagar
Kanpur 208 002
Uttar Pradesh
Phone: + 91 512 255-1251
Phone: + 91 512 255-1252
Phone: +91 512 300-0125
Mobile: +91 9415-101-244
Mobile: +91 8081-006-093
email Avinashi
see also
Osho Satpriti Meditation Centre, Kanpur
Avinashi on facebook
Avinashi on Linkedin