Test -- Ranch Timeline

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In large part, this timeline is derived from the exhaustive timeline found in Max Brecher's book, A Passage to America, reproduced whole at Rajneeshpuram News Summary 1981-1986 (source document). Entries with shortened dates have been processed, with many entries deemed inconsequential left out. Underlined entries are from other sources. Other entries can certainly be added as appropriate.


Oct 21: Shannon Ryan takes sannyas, becomes Ma Amrita Pritam. She was an iconic figure at the ranch and in that era, being the daughter of Leo Ryan, the American congressman murdered in Nov 1978, while investigating Jonestown.


Jan 12-18: Ma Anand Sheela (Sheela Patel Silverman at the time) visits Chidvilas Meditation Center in Montclair, NJ, where Ma Amrita Pritam and Sw Samir are resident. It has been in operation about a year. In the 1970's Sheela had lived in Montclair with her first husband, American Mark Silverman and taken some courses at Montclair State College.
Apr 30: Sannyasins buy the 30-room Rhine-style Kip's Castle for $370,000. Depending on source, castle has 7.2 acres or 15. According to The Oregonian series, "For Love and Money", the castle was purchased Apr 21.
May 1: Osho has not been coming out for discourse or darshan since Mar 24, originally because of a chicken pox quarantine, but now his period of public silence officially begins, with " Satsangs" as the format for his public appearances, consisting of live music alternating with short readings from Kahlil Gibran and others, Gachchhamis and periods of "silent commentary".
Jun 1: Osho leaves India on Pan Am Flight 1, arriving at the Castle in New Jersey. His departure shocks everyone, save the few people in the know.
Jun 12: According to July 6, 1985 The Oregonian article from the "For Love and Money" series, the search for American land, which was decided in November 1980 and in high gear in mid-May 1981 comes to fruition on this day as Sheela and Jayananda (John Shelfer) visit the Big Muddy for the first time and decided almost immediately to buy it.
Aug 12: 35 people attend a meeting at Antelope School and worry about what's going to happen on the Big Muddy. "An Antelope woman, [named], said she was concerned that the ranch owners would begin selling printed material now distributed through the New Jersey center. She said she considers the material pornographic. Jefferson County District Attorney Michael Sullivan said he would like her to furnish him with the materials she considers pornographic to see if it meets with the criteria for pornographic material under Oregon law. Mayor Margaret Hill [who came to teach at Antelope school in 1966], who had a brochure advertising sale of items from the Montclair center, said if not pornographic the material was 'at least far out.'" -- reported by Bend Bulletin
Aug 13: Some are worried about property values going up and others are worried about property values going down.
Aug 29: Osho flies on rented Learjet 35 (cost $15,500) to Redmond (OR) and arrives at Rancho Rajneesh.
Aug 30: An Oregonian article says the local people haven't seen "so much excitement since the sheepherders and the cattlemen were feuding decades ago. 'This town is so conservative, the women stand in one group and the men stand in another,' said Ray Reynolds, 57. 'That's the type of community it is, and we like it.'"
Sep 4: Wolfgang Dobrowolny's 1978 documentary, Ashram, highest grossing Germany documentary of 1980, opens in San Francisco.
Oct 14: Rajneeshees submit petition in The Dalles to incorporate their own city. "'It is sort of a foregone conclusion that the petition will be approved,' said Sue Profitt, Wasco County clerk. Judge Richard C. Cantrell said, 'There are no problems as far as the court is concerned. As long as they are legal, they have just as much right as any other citizen.' Although new towns may seem rare, according to the Oregon Blue Book, 11 cities were incorporated in Oregon during the 1970s." Bend Bulletin
Oct 23: Osho applies for extension of stay in US to March 1, 1982, based on medical reasons.
Nov 1: The Oregonian editorial. "Rajneeshpuram would not be the first Oregon community settled by a religious, ethnic or cultural group, but all others were opened to settlement by outsiders long before revenue sharing. The community of interest in Rajneeshpuram is understandable: a group of people sharing one religion, a common lifestyle, and seeking to cultivate agricultural land that, until their settlement, was only marginally productive. In fact, that sounds like the way many cities throughout the United States got their start. In addition, many company towns have become cities. Before 1906, the Oregon Legislature incorporated cities. In 1941, the law was changed to allow formation of cities by 150 persons if they so desired."
Nov 4: About 250 people, including 26 Rajneesh disciples, crowded into the Wasco County Court House for 2 hour public hearing. By a vote of 2-1, The Wasco County Board of Commissioners voted to allow an incorporation election of Rajneeshpuram. The Oregonian, November 6. The Bend Bulletin described it as "the biggest crowd the second-floor circuit court room has seen in quite some time."
Nov 24: Osho applies for permanent resident status as a religious leader and teacher.