The Golden Future ~ 02

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event type discourse
date & time 20 Apr 1987 am
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Pune
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 37min. Quality: good.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 1h 41min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle GOLDEN02
Reader of the questions: Ma Prem Maneesha.
Question 1 from Antar Ashiko
Beloved Osho, when you said that if we don't achieve total consciousness in this life, we will have to start from the very beginning again, and go through the whole evolution of mankind one more time, I was very touched. Is it possible that we will totally lose these few glimpses of light, beauty, and consciousness that we've got through being sannyasins?
Question 2 from Sarjano
Beloved Osho, is it possible that I always transform my feelings and experiences into words and images only to get rid of them? Is it possible that I come to your feet with tremendous thirst, and when I am filled with energy, I am overwhelmed with this absolute need of sharing -- only to get rid of it? Is it possible that this urge for sharing is only my illusion, or just my way to escape? Somebody told me that I should be more generous with myself. What can I do if I know not any other way to be generous with myself than sharing? Is it time for me to learn another way? Please help me with your guidance.
Question 3 from Premda
Beloved Osho, to me, your fantastic variation of dynamic meditation you do with us at the end of every evening discourse is one of the most energy-laden experiences I've ever had. All your lovers are radiating, everything is vibrating. I feel we are broadcasting energy waves like a huge radio antenna. The glow must even be visible from outer space. Osho, if we don't wake up this time, then what? Or are you keeping even louder alarms up your sleeve?


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