From Bondage to Freedom ~ 15

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event type discourse
date & time 29 Sep 1985 am
location Rajneesh Mandir, Rajneeshpuram
language English
audio Available, duration 2h 3min. Quality: good.
Live music after the discourse.
online audio
video Available, duration 2h 6min. Quality: good.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle BONDAG15
Reader of the sutras/questions: Ma Prem Hasya.
Question 1

Beloved master, I seem to be balanced on the tightrope of Po. I never believe nor disbelieve what you say in that outer political world of facts and figures, that merry-go-round of different views, that shifting mirage of truths, half-truths, contradictions, and paradoxes that slip through my mind like an autumn breeze. It's all Po now.

Would I hijack a plane, stone an embassy, or frustrate a police investigation? Po, Po, Po -- I don't know. Yet I do know that my heart still dances with you, your silence still penetrates me with a delicate, exquisite awe. And my laughter is becoming more and more rootless, like a mad child, giggling at nothing in particular. Am I missing, beloved master?
Question 2
Beloved master, I love you. Please tell me if we have let you down. I feel hurt when I hear questions in discourse that don't appreciate you and the love that you so generously pour on me. I hope that our love is also enough to help heal us, and you never feel we take you, our beloved, for granted.
Please comment on whether our not loving enough has anything to do with what you said about not wearing malas and only red colors. Also, beloved master, please say if there is anything we as a commune can do to help the healing so we can really celebrate you and your love for us, and let this candle of our love burn completely at every end.
Question 3
Beloved master, you are a total stranger to me, yet a friend and lover. How can this be?
Question 4
Beloved master, you are the most precious joy ever to have come into my life upon this earth. Is it possible that I could really feel this way about my own being?
Question 5
Beloved master, you are the center of the cyclone. When I am near you I feel fine. But when I am a little away from you I am again in the strong whorls of the cyclone -- the great movement of emotions and feelings. How can I get to the center of my own cyclone?
Question 6
Beloved master, the other day you called the Bible a pornographic book. Please explain what you meant by this remark.


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