Ma Ananda Sarita

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Revision as of 11:38, 20 August 2023 by Dhyanantar (talk | contribs) (per her request. Sarita requested to remove name givan by parents, now she uses sannyasin's name in passport)
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(Ma Ananda Sarita, titles given by Osho: Mahasatvaa, Arihanta, M.M.)


Sarita met Osho in Mumbai, India in 1973 at the age of 17 and subsequently remained in his community for the next 26 years, receiving much personal guidance from him on the subject of Meditation, Tantra, Love and Relationship. She immersed herself into work as meditation under his guidance. The creation of the Zen path in Lao Tzu Garden together with a team / 8 years cleaning in Osho’s House, including his bedroom / 7 Years in the Press Office / 9 years in the Healing Arts branch of Osho Multiversity. Sarita was also chosen as one of Osho’s Mediums for Energy Darshan.

Sarita began teaching (with Osho’s blessing) in 1990 and moved to Europe in 1999 where she established a School devoted to Tantra and Healing Arts. She is author of two books on Tantra, has produced numerous online courses, is author of newsletters spanning more than a decade and has recorded videos of over 50 Satsangs (Q & A sessions) She has taught worldwide since 1990 and currently resides in Bali.

Sarita has developed and teaches more than 30 Groups and Trainings focused on Tantra as a spiritual path. Sarita’s teachings include: 8 levels of training for couples called the Tantra Soul Mate Series, which has been running successfully since 1998; The Vigyan Bhairav Tantra Retreat (based on the 112 Tantra Techniques spoken about by Osho in the Book of Secrets), The Tantra Essence Teacher Training, Goddess Essence Teacher Training, Tantra Yoga Teacher Training, Tantra Mystic Massage Practitioner Training, Tantra Transformation and Master Lover groups. She also teaches a range of Holistic Healing Retreats and Trainings, using Tachyon Technologies, Colour Light Therapy and Hypnosis for Healing techniques.

Contact Details

Ananda Sarita
other contacts
Instagram: maanandasarita
Facebook: maanandasarita
2001 : Tantric Love
2003 : Ecstatic Sex
2004 : Sexualité tantrique
2005 : Tantricheskaja ljubov' (Тантрическая любовь)
2011 : Divine Sexuality
2023 : Tantra Alchemy
2011 : Chakra Dance Meditation
2011 : Tantra for Lovers: Soul Mate Meditation
2011 : Mahamudra Meditation
2011 : Tantra from Mongolia: Universal Heart Meditation
2015 : Mahamudra Meditation
2021 : Goddess Essence Meditation
2023 : Chakra Massage

online Courses
Master Lover
Goddess Essence 1 (The Goddess Unveiled)
Goddess Essence 2 (Erotic & Emotional Fulfilment)
Tantra Massage
Opening The Third Eye

photo gallery

see also
Sarita on facebook
Ma Prem Madhuri, Sarita's sister
Ma Devadasi, Sarita's mum
LoveOsho podcast E019 Sarita - interview on 4 September 2018
The City of Rajneeshpuram

Interview with Dutch Cable-TV: Meeting Osho for the first time