Talk:Naye Manushya Ke Janma Ki Disha (नये मनुष्य के जन्म की दिशा)

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Revision as of 06:54, 7 July 2014 by Sarlo (talk | contribs)
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Searching for this title in Devanagari turns up only two places where the phrase is a chapter title in Shiksha Mein Kranti (शिक्षा में क्रांति). Searching in Western/Latin/Roman turned up just three significant results in May 2014:

1. Gyan Bhed mentions it as among books and pamphlets that were sold at meditation camps in the late 60s / early 70s.
2. It is frequently cited as a source of material in Rajneesh: The Mystic of Feeling, by Ram Chandra Prasad, first published in 1970, revised in 1978 and possibly in line to be redone in 2014. This is one of the very earliest books about Osho.
3. An anonymous offerer of Osho discourse mp3s -- in fact the only known (or claimed) audio source of Naye Manushya, and that some seven years ago as of this writing -- writes about Shiksha Mein Kranti that it is a compilation of five shorter books, one of which is Naye Manushya. As he is the only source of this info, it could use some confirmation. -- Sarlo (talk) 10:31, 26 May 2014 (PDT)

4. Neeten's Osho Source Book has appeared online since most of the above was written. He has provided some more precise information about Naye Manushya, his source the Indian National Bibliography. Neeten also has many references to Ram Chandra Prasad and his book, especially in "Part Two," his chapter on the Jabalpur years. -- Sarlo (talk) 23:54, 6 July 2014 (PDT)