Jesus Crucified Again, This Time in Ronald Reagan's America

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This special selection of discourses reveals the amazing details behind the demise of Osho's commune in America and his persecution by the US government. Here is a city under siege, innocent people not being tolerated because of the success of a lifestyle that threatens the status quo, and a plot to destroy a living enlightened master. Substantiated with chapters by attorneys, doctors, and law enforcement officers, this book is a passionate indictment of the hypocrisy of American "democracy."
Part III, ch. 1 and 4 (spoken on 1985-12-6 and 1987-11-6) have not been published before.
For the sources of the texts in this book, see the table of contents below.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
1984 to 1988 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters
23 in 4 parts, plus Foreword, Introduction, Afterword and Some biographical facts


Jesus Crucified Again, This Time in Ronald Reagan's America

Year of publication : 1988-08
Publisher : The Rebel Publishing House, Germany
ISBN 3-89338-039-6 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 281
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : First edition. Copyright © Neo-Sannyas International.
Size : 209.6 x 184 x 28 mm
Author as Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
Compiled and edited by Ma Deva Sarito
Typing by Ma Anand Nritya M.Ed., Ma Satyam Ektara
Design by Sw Deva Anugito
Production by Sw Anand Rupen M.B.A., Sw Prem Visarjan
This book is dedicated to Jesus, whose fanatic disciple Ronald Reagan tried to do to me what the fanatics of his time did to Jesus.
With a request to Libya's Colonel Muammar Gaddafi to change his statement that Ronald Reagan is Adolf Hitler Number Two. He is not - HE IS HITLER NUMBER ONE.
Parts I and II of this compilation consist of excerpts especially chosen from the discourses given by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh in 1984 - 1985 in Rajneeshpuram, Oregon. (See The Rajneesh Bible, Volumes 1 - 4, From Darkness to Light, From the False to the Truth and From Death to Deathlessness. The Rebel Publishing House.)
Discourses appearing in Part III were given by Bhagwan during His world tour, and in Poona, India. They are referenced by date and location.
Printing by Mohndruck, Gütersloh, West Germany
Foreword: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, THIS. THIS. A THOUSAND TIMES THIS. May 30, 1988, Poona, India
Introduction: June, 1988, Sangeet Duchane J.D., City Attorney for the City of Rajneeshpuram which was destroyed by the U.S. Government
Afterword: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, March 22, 1985, Rajneeshpuram
The events regarding the poisoning of Bhagwan are more fully documented in the following books:
Was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh Poisoned by Ronald Reagan's America? by Sue Appleton, LL.B, The Rebel Publishing House
Bhagwan: Twelve Days that Shook the World by Juliet Forman, The Rebel Publishing House
  • Cover-back & spine.

    Cover-back & spine.

  • Page III.

    Page III.

  • Page VII.

    Page VII.

  • table of contents

    Foreword - This. This. A Thousand Times This ch.4 (1988-05-30)
    Introduction - June, 1988, Sangeet Duchane J.D., City Attorney for the City of Rajneeshpuram which was destroyed by the U.S. Government
    Part I - The Challenge
    Chapter 1 - First, a moment of silence - From Unconsciousness to Consciousness ch.2 (1984-10-31)
    Chapter 2 - Our success is dangerous - From Darkness to Light ch.23 (1985-3-25)
    Chapter 3 - The law of mediocrity - From Darkness to Light ch.29 (1985-3-30)
    Chapter 4 - The ugliest manifestations of religion on the earth - From Personality to Individuality ch.18 (1985-1-16)
    Chapter 5 - In search of conviction, not truth - From Misery to Enlightenment ch.23 (1985-2-20/2/85
    Chapter 6 - We can make this earth pollution-free - From the False to the Truth ch.23 (1985-7-21/7/85
    Chapter 7 - Happiness is infectious - From Unconsciousness to Consciousness ch.9 (1984-11-7/11/84
    Part II - The Debate
    Chapter 1 - Jim Jones is related to Jesus, not to me - From Unconsciousness to Consciousness ch.7 (1984-11-5)
    Chapter 2 - Politics is a strange career - From Ignorance to Innocence ch.3 (1984-12-1)
    Chapter 3 - Truth is the enemy of the mob - From Ignorance to Innocence ch.4 (1984-12-2)
    Chapter 4 - The best government is no government - From Darkness to Light ch.14 (1985-3-14)
    Chapter 5 - Who's mixing church and state? - From Personality to Individuality ch.28 (1985-1-26)
    Chapter 6 - Education - the ultimate value - From Death to Deathlessness ch.28 (1985-9-2)
    Chapter 7 - Just lines drawn on the sand - From Personality to Individuality ch.16 (1985-1-1)
    Part III - Crucifixion and Resurrection
    Chapter 1 - They have destroyed their own future
    - a (known on the CD-ROM as) The Last Testament, Vol. 4 ch.28 (1985-12-6, Kulu Manali), not published previously
    - b Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries ch.7 (1986-2-22, Crete)
    Chapter 2 - Just expose them - that's enough - The Sword and the Lotus ch.1 (1986-1-15, Kathmandu, Nepal)
    Chapter 3 - You cannot afford to miss the moment! - Beyond Psychology ch.37 (1986-4-30, Punta del Este, Uruguay), (incorrectly dated in the book as April 3, 1986)
    Chapter 4 - Remember it: I am here for you - This book (1987-11-6, Poona, India), not published previously
    Part IV - The Evidence of Conspiracy
    Chapter 1 - “I felt so ashamed to be an American...”, by Philip J. Toelkes, attorney in the fight for Bhagwan's life against the U.S. Government
    Chapter 2 - Lawlessness within the law, by Ma Deva Barkha, former police chief of Rajneeshpuram, and Sw Satyam Anando, reporter, Rajneesh Times International
    Chapter 3 - “His health has been shattered...”, by George Meredith, M.D., M.B., B.S., M.R.C.P.
    Chapter 4 - “You have to think of thallium, don't you?”, by John Wally, M.D.
    Chapter 5 - A very interesting thing..., by Sue Appleton, LL.B.
    Afterword - A new humanity and a new sunrise... From Darkness to Light ch.21 (1985-03-22, Rajneeshpuram)
    Some biographical facts and events from the life of Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh