The Last Testament (Vol 5) ~ 23

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event type interview
date & time 17 Jan 1986 pm
location Oberoi Soaltee Hotel, Kathmandu, Nepal
language English
audio Available, duration 2h 2min. Quality: inferior (under revision).
online audio
video Available, duration 2h 6min. Quality: not very good, a constant audio-noise.
online video
see also
online text find the PDF of this discourse
shorttitle LAST523
Interview. No announcement heard : unidentified Indian or Nepali interviewers.
CD-ROM on this chapter: Press Interviews.
Question 1
Beloved Bhagwan, can a buddha like you be in prison? I am not able to understand.
Question 2
Bhagwan, do you take a special pleasure in being misunderstood by the unthinking crowd of journalists, politicians, and the like? Do you mind you are the most misunderstood person in the history of a spiritual revolution?
For the last fifteen years that you are an infinite source of intellectual depth. You have been using logic, to demaster logic, using intellect to go beyond intellect, is not it an unacceptable parrot? Your friends are less attracted by your books than your enemies; your enemies oppose you in public but they become learned people by stealing you, and make a decent a business out of their outfit. That is, the radio in Nepal depends sixty percents on you on its religious programs, and yet the people don't hesitate to say that Rajneesh is a danger to Sanathan.
Number three, why Bhagwan, why is it that people know you only as a sex guru to the exclusion of other things you have expressed in about four hundred books?
Question 3
Beloved Bhagwan, how can an intellectual understanding be transformed into an experience of heart?
Question 4
Beloved Bhagwan, can life be helpful in finding the way to truth?
Question 5
Beloved Bhagwan, why is it that a sandalwood tree is always surrounded by snakes?


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