Talk:Osho Dhyan Yog (ओशो ध्यान योग)

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Source for such inside-the-book info as is available is the G**gle Books version of the 2006 edition. It shows that the book is organised into two sections, each comprising about half the book. The first section has only three chapters, with the third chapter, साधना सोपान, or Sadhana Sopan, being almost two-thirds of that. The second section has seven chapters, with the fifth of those, आत्मा-साधना, or Atma-Sadhana, a long one.

Editorial credit is given to Sw Narendra Bodhisatva and copyright dated 1997. Since Narendra left Pune early in the 90s, the work on the book must have long predated 1997, thus it was around for a good while and likely was published by Rebel in some earlier form.

Rajneesh Dhyan Yog (रजनीश ध्यान योग) can also be considered as a possible ancestor to this book. Virtually nothing is known about it but the name is suggestive. Updated Sarlo (talk) 23:23, 9 June 2014 (PDT)

a TOC from that G**gle peek inside the book:

खंड एक
ध्यान : एक वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि . . 11
ध्यान सोपान . . . . . . . . . . . .21
साधना सोपान . . . . . . . . . . . 49
खंड दो
साधना सूत्र . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
ध्यानोपलब्धि . . . . . . . . . . .147
जिज्ञासा समाधान . . . . . . . .155
ध्यान मंदिर . . . . . . . . . . . .175
आत्मा-साधना . . . . . . . . . . 195
ध्यान : रहस्य . . . . . . . . . . 249
ध्यान : अवधि . . . . . . . . . . 261

Getting back to Osho Dhyan Yog's potential sources: there may be a relationship between it and Dhyanyog: Pratham Aur Antim Mukti (ध्यानयोग : प्रथम और अंतिम मुक्‍ति) but it is tenuous, far from clear, direct or one-to-one. Some fragments of a potential history have been shared by Osho's brother Shailendra:

The first edition of Osho Dhyan Yog's likeliest major ancestor, Rajneesh Dhyan Yog (रजनीश ध्यान योग), was a compilation published around 1974. In Pune One, it got divided into two separate pocket books, spinning off Rajneesh Dhyan Darshan as a new-title "companion". The division was thematic, with Yog being about meditation techniques and including letters to meditators, giving practical guidance about the issues that arise in connection with meditation. Darshan was oriented more towards the philosophy, science and mechanism of meditation and how it works; its material derived solely from Osho's discourses. The latter title is not to be confused with Dhyan Darshan (ध्यान दर्शन) (without "Rajneesh"), which is a series from a camp in Mumbai from 21.12.70 to 25.12.70 featuring five days of talks and meditation.

Most of Yog got translated & became part of The Orange Book (pub 1980), which became later on a part of Meditation: The First and Last Freedom, with both of these books gathering new material from talks that had not been available earlier. To complete the cycle, First and Last Freedom got re-translated as Pratham Aur Antim Mukti.

But just to make it complicated and mysterious again, whatever was not used from Yog and Orange Book was later compiled under another new title Dhyan Vigyan, or "Science of Meditation". No trace has ever been seen of this last volume, so for now the default presumption will be that Osho Dhyan Yog one way or another inherited the unused material of Rajneesh Dhyan Yog, Rajneesh Dhyan Darshan and The Orange Book. Note that Narendra was not involved in Pratham Aur Antim Mukti. His editorial credit from Diamond more or less explicitly excludes that book as a direct major predecessor of Osho Dhyan Yog. -- doofus-9 23:35, 28 December 2017 (UTC)

OW has e-book.--DhyanAntar 16:11, 17 July 2020 (UTC)