Geeta-Darshan, Bhag 3 (गीता-दर्शन, भाग तीन)

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Osho's discourses in Hindi on the Bhagavad Gita were given in the early 70s over a period of several years, and first published as a series of 17 or 18 volumes, under the title of Geeta Darshan. Since the 90s, an eight-volume format has been adopted, each volume combining two or three of the earlier volumes. See the Geeta-Darshan master page for details.
This volume is the third of the eight-volume set, and contains Osho's discourses on chapter 6 (adhyaya 6: Dhyan yoga) and chapter 7 (adhyaya 7: Gyaana–Vigyaana yoga) of the Bhagavad Gita. Talks for this volume were given in Ahmedabad (adhyaya 6) and Bombay (adhyaya 7).
Note that Osho has translated into Hindi and interpreted the original Sanskrit 'shlokas' of the Bhagavad Gita, and refers to them throughout the whole series, not as 'shlokas' , but as 'sutras' .
Previously published as two volumes: Geeta-Darshan, Adhyaya 6 (गीता-दर्शन, अध्याय ६) and Geeta-Darshan, Adhyaya 7 (गीता-दर्शन, अध्याय ७).
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
May 2, 1971 to May 31, 1971 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters
21 (part I)
10 (part II)
(see table of contents)


Geeta-Darshan, Bhag 3 (गीता-दर्शन, भाग तीन)

Year of publication : Jan 1999
Publisher : Rebel Publishing House Pvt Ltd
ISBN 81-7261-120-X (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : ~483
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes :
compilation: Sw Dinesh Bharati, Sw Prem Rajendra
editing: Sw Yoga Chinmaya, Sw Anand Satyarthi
design: Ma Prem Prarthana
typing: Ma Krishna Leela, Ma Deva Samya
darkroom: Sw Prem Prasad
co-ordination: Sw Yoga Amit
phototypesetting: Tao Publishing Pvt Ltd, 50 Koregaon Park, Pune
printing: Tata Ltd, Mumbai
publisher: Rebel Publishing House Pvt Ltd, 50 Koregaon Park, Pune
copyright 1980 Osho International Foundation
all rights reserved
intro: Shatadal, Kanpur

Geeta-Darshan, Bhag 3 (गीता-दर्शन, भाग तीन)

Year of publication : 2003
Publisher : Rebel Publishing House, India
ISBN 817261120X (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 454
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes :

Geeta-Darshan, Bhag 3 (गीता-दर्शन, भाग तीन)

Year of publication : 2010
Publisher : Rebel Publishing House, India
ISBN 817261120X (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 433
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : Revised edition

Geeta-Darshan, Bhag 3 (गीता-दर्शन, भाग तीन)

Year of publication : 2015
Publisher : Divyansh Publications
ISBN 978-93-84657-57-4 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 464
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes :

table of contents

edition 1999.01
chapter titles
event location duration media
I. गीता-दर्शन अध्याय 6
1 कृष्ण का संन्यास, उत्सवपूर्ण संन्यास 2 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 37min audio
2 आसक्ति का सम्मोहन 3 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 29min audio
3 मालकियत की घोषणा 3 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 24min audio
4 ज्ञान विजय है 4 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 21min audio
5 हृदय की अंतर-गुफा 4 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 8min audio
6 अंतर्यात्रा का विज्ञान 5 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 25min audio
7 अपरिग्रही चित्त 5 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 14min audio
8 योगाभ्यास--गलत को काटने के लिए 6 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 23min audio
9 योग का अंतर्विज्ञान 6 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 8min audio
10 चित्त वृत्ति निरोध 7 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 18min audio
11 दुखों में अचलायमान 7 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 14min audio
12 मन साधन बन जाए 8 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 13min audio
13 पदार्थ से प्रतिक्रमण-परमात्मा पर 8 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 5min audio
14 अहंकार खोने के दो ढंग 9 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 17min audio
15 सर्व भूतों में प्रभु का स्मरण 9 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 2min audio
16 मन का रूपांतरण 10 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 14min audio
17 वैराग्य और अभ्यास 10 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 14min audio
18 तंत्र और योग 11 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 11min audio
19 यह किनारा छोड़ें 11 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 1h 4min audio
20 आंतरिक संपदा 12 May 1971 am Ahmedabad 1h 11min audio
21 श्रद्धावान योगी श्रेष्ठ है 12 May 1971 pm Ahmedabad 0h 47min audio
II. गीता-दर्शन अध्याय 7
1 अनन्य निष्ठा 22 May 1971 pm Bombay 1h 18min audio
2 परमात्मा की खोज 23 May 1971 pm Bombay 1h 15min audio
3 अदृश्य की खोज 24 May 1971 pm Bombay 1h 28min audio
4 आध्यात्मिक बल 25 May 1971 pm Bombay 1h 13min audio
5 प्रकृति और परमात्मा 26 May 1971 pm Bombay 1h 25min audio
6 जीवन अवसर है 27 May 1971 pm Bombay 1h 16min audio
7 मुखौटों से मुक्ति 28 May 1971 pm Bombay 1h 16min audio
8 श्रद्धा का सेतु 29 May 1971 pm Bombay 0h 26min audio
9 निराकार का बोध 30 May 1971 pm Bombay 1h 15min audio
10 धर्म का सार: शरणागति 31 May 1971 pm Bombay 0h 47min audio