Tao The Three Treasures Vol 1 ~ 01

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event type discourse
date & time 11 Jun 1975 am
location Chuang Tzu Auditorium, Poona
language English
audio Available, duration 1h 48min. Quality: good.
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shorttitle TREAS101
Reader of the sutras: Sw Ananda Teertha.
The sutras
On the absolute Tao:
The Tao that can be told of
Is not the absolute Tao.
On the rise of relative opposites:
When the people of the earth all know beauty as beauty,
There arises (the recognition of) ugliness.
When the people of the earth all know good as good,
There arises (the recognition of) evil.
Being and non-being interdepend in growth;
Difficult and easy interdepend in completion;
Long and short interdepend in contrast;
High and low interdepend in position;
Tones and voice interdepend in harmony;
Front and behind interdepend in company.
Therefore the sage:
Manages affairs without action;
Preaches the doctrine without words;
All things take their rise,
But he does not turn away from them;
He gives them life, but does not take possession of them;
He acts, but does not appropriate;
Accomplishes, but claims no credit.
It is because he lays claim to no credit
That the credit cannot be taken away from him.


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