Help:Contents Books

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Help for making and editing book-pages in the Sannyas Wiki

Book page-names

Book page-names follow the title on the book as much as possible, so including semicolons, commas, brackets etc.

Don't Let Yourself Be Upset by the Sutra, rather Upset the Sutra Yourself
Won't You Join the Dance?

Misspellings in book titles or sub-titles are left as they are, this can be commented on in the book-notes.

Books with different names always get a new entry:

A Compilation on Osho Dynamic Meditation
A Compendium on Osho Dynamic Meditation
Books with more than one volume
Sufis: The People of the Path, Vol 1
So "Volume" in the title is on the wiki page shown as "Vol".
Identical titles
The first one And Now, And Here
Second one And Now, And Here (2)

So: add a number (2) between brackets after the name.


For all titles of books (and music etc) we use a standard system of capitalization:

Capitalization of the first word, and all other words, except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions.

It is the third line in this list on Headings and publication titles: Wikipedia: Letter case.

Capitalization is also important as page-names are case sensitive.

The page set-up: templates

All book-pages are formatted via two templates. The main template is Template:Book. Within this book template, for each edition there can be a Template:Bookedition.

Fields in templates are separated by a |.

In the explanation below, fixed text in templates is bold.

description = A description of the book |        E.g. from the cover, or a typical text from the book, like one of the first sentences from Osho.
                                                  When using a second sentence, start with a colon for right indentation.
translated = Hindi : Hindi title |               E.g. some Hindi book in the wiki
notes = General notes on this book |             E.g. Earlier published as ...
                                                      Chapters 9-15 later published in  Sufis: The People of the Path : The Royal Way. 
                                                      Discourses given at Mt Abu, Rajastan, India (* Locations Pune or Rajneeshpuram not needed to be mentioned)

period = [[Osho Discourses 1975|                 The date of the first and last discourse/letter, with a link to the year of the first discourse.
           Oct 21, 1975 to Oct 30, 1975]] |

nofd = 21 |                                      The number of chapters, as shown in the table of contents, so usually excluding an introduction.
editions =                                       Here the sub-templates for editions start. There can be as many as needed.

{{bookedition|cover.jpg|Subtitle|Year of publication|publisher|edition number|isbn|number of pages|H or P|edition notes (not book notes!) }}
{{bookedition|cover.jpg|Subtitle|Year of publication|publisher|edition number|isbn|number of pages|H or P|edition notes (not book notes!) }}
language = English |                             This field can only contain the language. It takes care of categories in the footer.
}}                                               Here, the book-template ends.
[[category:Darshan Diaries]]                     Category of the book, like [[category:Responses to Questions]] [[category:World Tour]] [[category:Zen and Zen Masters]] 
                                                                            [[category:Darshan Diaries]] [[category:Meditation (books)]] [[category:Yoga (books)]]
[[category:First Edition Series]]                All first publications of Osho's lectures get this category.

Notes on the bookedition:

{{bookedition|                  The title of the book is automatically generated from the title of the wiki-page.
cover.jpg|                      Use 100dpi scans, except when there is small print, then you can use 200dpi.
Subtitle|                       The subtitle from the cover or the title-page in the book
Year of publication|            Like "1980" 

publisher|                      Publishers in Pune, like "Rajneesh Foundation" are without city, country designator.
edition number|                 Like "1".
isbn|                           ISBN10 or ISBN13, as used on the book.

number of pages|                Either the number of the last numbered page in the book, 
                                or -if page numbering stops before the unique content of the book stops- count the extra content pages. 

H or P|                         H for Hardcover, P for Paperback, ? for unknown
edition notes                   So not book notes. 
                                First is always notes from the book about the edition, like "First edition, August 1980, 5,000 copies."
                                Then come notes on the ISBN. From this one, notes are on a new line and start with a double colon :: for indentation.
                                Next "Published by ..."
                                Next are the authors of the Introduction and of the Flap text, if mentioned in the book.
                                Lastly all the sannyasins that worked on the book and are mentioned: Editing, Commentary, Direction, Design, Photography etc. 
                                   They can be mentioned in the order stated in the book. Use brackets [[]] to make them clickable. 

Many book-pages started their life without the template-system. They should all be converted to the new system

The page set-up: Example

Below is a book page with many examples for content. Edit this page to check how to enter these examples.

(By the way: "language =" and "category" are not included here).

"Veet Kalpu means -- and it has to be remembered: by and by -- that you start dropping your imagination. What is, is, what ain't, ain't. Let that be your mantra." (Osho)
Chapters 1-8 later published in Sufis: The People of the Path : Glory of Freedom
Chapters 9-15 later published in Sufis: The People of the Path : The Royal Way.
time period of Osho's original talks/writings
Jan 1, 1978 to Jan 31, 1978 : timeline
number of discourses/chapters


Contents Books

A Darshan Diary

Year of publication : 1980
Publisher : Rajneesh Foundation, Poona, India
ISBN 0-88050-138-3 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 615
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : First edition: March 1980, 5,000 copies.
* No printed ISBN on the book.
Published by: Bodhisattvaa Ma Anand Sheela M.M., D.Phil.M., D.Litt.M.(RIMU), Acharya
Introduction: Ma Vasundhara
Flap text: Sw Deva Pramod
Editing and commentary: Ma Prem Maneesha
Coordination: Ma Yoga Pratima; Ma Deva Ritambhara
Production: Ma Yoga Prem; Ma Anand Savita; Ma Prem Upasana; Ma Deva Weechee; Swami Haridas; Ma Anand Premda
Photography: Ma Prem Champa; Sw Krishna Bharti
Design: Ma Prem Namra

Contents Books

Subtitle for this second edition

Year of publication : 1981
Publisher : Rajneesh Foundation
ISBN 0-88050-138-3 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : ?
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : H
Edition notes : Reprint ?

[[Category:{{{language}}} Publications]]

Categories and wiki-lists

The special Category-fields that are added at the bottom of wiki-pages are used to give context to the page and put the pages on the right lists, like the Category:English Publications.


[[category:First Edition Series]]       For all books where Osho's letters and lectures were first published.
[[category:Darshan Diaries]]
[[category:Darshan Diaries (de:Darshan Tagebücher)]]
[[category:Meditation (books)]]
[[category:Meditation (fr:Méditation)‎]]
[[category:Responses to Questions]]
[[category:World Tour]]
[[category:Yoga (books)]]
[[category:Zen and Zen Masters]]

By the way, the Bibliography is under construction. Pages like these: Category:English Publications are the new set-up. The new-style book pages (with the templates) refer there.

Before the template system there was an old handcrafted bibliography, e.g. Osho Bibliography - English Language Publications and Osho Bibliography - Dutch Language Publications.