Talk:Bhavna Ke Bhojpatron Par Osho (भावना के भोजपत्रों पर ओशो)

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The Diamond 2002 edition is all we have so far of this book. And that may be all there ever has been. The low production standards found in the first pages (before p 60) are so different from those after p 60, it is hard to imagine a preceding "house" edition (JJK, RF or Rebel) that Diamond just reproduced whole (more or less), as they have done with most of their Osho books. One measure of the lack of professionalism in the book is the inclusion of contact details of Osho's organizers in Mumbai, Delhi and other places, even addresses and phone numbers. This kind of thing is not seen in house editions.

Another indication that this is a Diamond-only edition is the name on the title page, which is not Osho but "Vikal Gautam". Vikal Gautam also writes a long introduction, after Keerti's short introduction, then come 48 pages of crowded, cramped text, quoting Osho liberally but clearly more than his letters. So it could easily be a personal initiative of this Vikal Gautam. Only a good reading by a real Hindi speaker will be able to sort out this first section, especially the part before p 25.

The book has no Table of Contents -- also very un-typical -- so this page is an attempt to organize one. Below are two tables, one for the first 60 pages, the other for the rest of the book, showing which dates of letters are found on which pages of that book, based on scans of the book. Eventually it is hoped that most of the contents can be linked to images of original letters. -- doofus-9 05:13, 21 November 2019 (UTC)

Added first edition category. We do not know an ealier edition of this book or other book, which includes all these letters. Unless the opposite will not be proved, this book will stay as first edition.

The question about events: what title we will use? Some manuscripts found in this book as pubished, search "Bhavna" on Letters to Anandmayee.--DhyanAntar 10:01, 15 December 2019 (UTC)

Earlier pages

Table entries indicate where passages END, ie where Osho's signature or equivalent appears, with or without a date. ** = Likely too long to be one single letter, whether dated or not. Note also that information between letter content such as dates, location or signature, especially in the earlier pages, may be ambiguous as to which letter it applies to, as there may be no demarcating lines or spacing. Therefore, mistakes may be made. Links will be provided eventually to wiki images of letters, if and when.

Page # Letter Date Wiki image?, notes
22 undated ** (where letter starts? 1969-01-05?)
25 1962-08-16-om     the same as on p.151, but last part is compacted to one paragraph, here is wrong data (correct is 1962-08-17-om, which stated on manuscript Letter written on 17 Aug 1962 om)
37 1960-11-22 letter on pages 36-37, this is shortened version of letter on p.60, available manuscript
37 undated shortened version of letter on p.65, manuscript available too
38 1960-11-29 letter is on p.37-38, it is the same letter as on p.66 (difference in punctuation only); manuscript of this letter on wiki is Letter written on 29 Nov 1960
40 1961-07-18
42 1961-01-18
44 undated, short this is first paragraph of the letter on p.75
46 1962-12-12 the same letter as on p.183, but there is not mentioned any date
47 1962-03-22-pm the letter on p.46-47 (PS lasts for one paragraph), this is the same as on p.107
49 1961-12-02 date stated before letter; on wiki Letter written on 2 Dec 1961; PS not published in the book
50 1962-05-09 date stated before letter; the same letter as on page 117 but with date 1962-05-08
52 1961-06-08 date stated before letter; this is first part of Letter written on 8 Jun 1961
53 no year-01-30-om date stated before letter; the same letter as on p.77, available manuscript. Year of the letter is 1961
57 1961-01-03 date stated before letter on p.56; letter on pages 56-57 and this is a little shortened version of letter on p.72; and available manuscript
59 no year-mm-dd-xm this is a little shortened version of letter on p.82; manuscript is available Letter written on 28 Feb 1961 xm

Later pages

From here onward, all pages are in a new spacious format, max one letter per page.

Page # Letter Date Wiki
60 undated in wiki manuscript gives 22 Nov 1960 date. Short version also available on p.36-37 with the same date
61 1960-10-05 in wiki
62 1960-10-13
63 undated in wiki
64 1960-10-10 in wiki date differs with manuscript: corrected date in there is 25 Nov 1960
65 undated in wiki short version also available on p.37
66 1960-11-22 in wiki same date as on p 37-38 with date, whichconfirmed by manuscript - 29 Nov 1960
67 1960-12-08 in wiki
68 1960-12-15-pm in wiki
69 1960-12-15-om in wiki
70 1960-12-27 in wiki
71 undated in wiki परिशिष्ट (appendix), 3 parts, to Shanta, Parakhji and Maan. Manuscript gives the date 4 Jan 1961
72 1961-01-03 in wiki shortened version is available p.56-57
73 undated in wiki
74 1961-01-10 in wiki in the book missing first 3 sentences
75 1961-01-18-xm in wiki first paragraph of this letter available also on p.44
76 1961-01-26 in wiki book has transcribed year (as 1969) and other things incorrectly
but this is the same letter, written from Sagar
77 1961-01-30-om in wiki PS, to Maan. The same letter repeated on p.53 with left out year (rest date is correct)
78 1961-01-30-am in wiki
79 1961-02-07-xm in wiki
80 1961-02-12 in wiki some transcription errors, day mentioned as ravivar (Sunday)
81 1961-02-22 in wiki PS, to Padm and Phadke Guruji
82 1961-02-22-xm in wiki date differs from manuscript: handwriting of it is very close to "22". The same letter with a bit shortened form available on p.59
83 undated in wiki
84 1961-03-08-am in wiki
85-86 1961-03-19-pm in wiki here is incorrect date as manuscript has 16th March 1961 pm
87 undated-pm in wiki manuscript gives the date 26 Mar 1961
88 undated in wiki PS format -- to Shri Parakhji, then to Padm, then to Maan, with upcoming dates mentioned at end 28 Mar - 2 Apr
89 1961-04-15-am in wiki
90 1961-04-25-om in wiki
91 1962-01-23 written on or sent from a train
92 1962-01-25-om
93 1962-01-25
94 1962-02-01-pm
95 1962-02-07
96 1962-02-11-am has a PS, salutation just plain "Maan"
97 1962-02-15-pm
98 1969-02-10-pm year may be mistaken, as on p 76
99 1962-02-24-pm
100 1962-03-02-om
101 1962-03-06-om addressed to Shri Parakh ji
102 1962-03-06
103 1962-03-08
104 1962-03-13
105 1962-03-16
106 1962-03-18-om PS mentions dates in April
107 1962-03-22-pm PS mentions dates in April. This letter repeated also on p.46-47
108 1962-03-25
109 1962-03-28
110 undated PS mentions dates in April
111 undated
112 1962-04-17
on tour (Ujjain)
p 112 & 113 likely one letter running to two pages: no sig on p 112,
text runs all the way to bottom, p 113 short, no date, no greeting
114 1962-04-28 PS mentions dates in May
115 1962-04-25-xm
116 1962-04-28-am
117 1962-05-08 the same letter printed on page 50 but with date 1962-05-09
118 1962-05-11
on tour (Prayag)
p 118 & 119 likely one letter running to two pages: no sig on p 118,
text runs all the way to bottom, p 119 short, no date, no greeting
120 1962-05-15
on tour (Kanpur)
p 120 & 121 likely one letter running to two pages:
sig bottom of p 120, p 121 only a short PS, no date, no greeting
122 1962-05-17-am PS mentions dates in later May
123 1962-05-18 on tour (Narsinhpur), no sig
124 undated no greeting, probably a continuation of 123.
PS mentions upcoming 10-day stay in Gadarwara
125 1962-05-22-om from Gadarwara
126 1962-05-15-am
from Gadarwara
p 126 & 127 likely one letter running to two pages: no sig on p 126,
text runs all the way to bottom, p 127 short, no date, no greeting
128 1962-05-26-pm
from Gadarwara
p 128 & 129 likely one letter running to two pages: no sig on p 128,
text runs all the way to bottom, p 129 short, no date, no greeting
130 1962-05-31
131 1962-06-06 p 131 & 132 likely one letter running to two pages: no sig on p 131,
text runs all the way to bottom, p 132 short, no date, no greeting
133 1962-06-08-pm
134 1962-06-11
135 1962-06-14-pm p 135 & 136 likely one letter running to two pages: no sig on p 135,
text runs all the way to bottom, p 136 short, no date, no greeting
137 1962-06-17
138 1962-06-21 p 138 & 139 likely one letter running to two pages: sig is on p 138,
but PS runs to bottom, p 139 short, no date, no greeting, no sig
140 1962-06-24-am
141 1962-06-25
142 1962-06-27
143 1962-07-28-am
144 1962-07-29-am
145 1962-07-30-xm
146 1962-08-01
147 1962-08-04 in wiki
148-9 1962-08-07-xm in wiki p 148-149 one letter: no sig on p 148, text runs to bottom, p 149 text very short, no greeting. Note PS dated separately from letter AND different between book (8 Aug om) and original letter (9 Aug om)
150 1962-08-14 in wiki on tour (Narsinghpur)
151 1962-08-17-om in wiki PS mentions event Aug 31. The same letter on p.25 with incorrect date 1962-08-16-om
152 1962-08-26 in wiki PS mentions events Aug 31 - Sep 3 in Mumbai
153 1962-08-27 in wiki
154 1962-09-05-pm in wiki
155 1962-09-09-pm in wiki
156 1962-09-14 in wiki
157 1962-09-21 in wiki same date as p 169, different letter; original letter has a short PS, omitted here
158 1962-09-22 in wiki same date as p 166, that date wrong, different letter
159-60 1962-09-24 in wiki p 159-160 one letter: no sig on p 159, text runs to bottom, p 160 text short, no greeting, no date, PS
161 1962-09-25 in wiki original letter has a short PS, omitted here
162 1962-09-27 in wiki
163 1962-09-29 in wiki PS has address & phones in Bombay for "Tarachand Sant, Kothari" (though name is partially in error); same date as p 168, that date wrong, different letter
164 1962-10-12
165 1962-10-28 in wiki date in original letter does not look like 28/10, rather 08/10, see letter's talk page
166 1962-09-22 in wiki same date as p 158, date in original letter is clearly 22 Oct
167 1962-10-23-am
168 1962-09-29 in wiki same date as p 163, date in original letter is clearly 29 Oct, from Gadarwara, PS says he has "come home" from 24th to 31st
169 1962-09-21 same date as p 157, different letter, from Gadarwara, PS mentions event on 31st
170 1962-11-01 short PS is dated 1962-11-02
171 1962-11-04-pm
172 1962-11-09
173 1962-11-12 noted as "purnima", full moon
174 1962-11-18-pm p 174 & 175 likely one letter running to two pages: no sig on p 174,
text runs to bottom, p 175 no greeting, no date
176 1962-11-29
177 1962-03-24-om wrong month?
178 1962-11-27
179 1962-11-30
180 1962-12-03
181 1962-12-08
182 1962-12-11
183 undated solely an events report, upcoming Dec 22+, arrived in Satna Dec 14. This letter repeated on p.46 with date 1962-12-12
184 1962-12-15 from Chhatarpur (MP)
185 1963-01-04-pm p 185 & 186 likely one letter running to two pages: no sig on p 185,
text runs to bottom, p 186 no greeting, no date
187 1963-01-08-am p 187 & 188 likely one letter on two pages: sig on p 187, PS one incomplete line,
p 188 no greeting, no date, no sig. Last line (offset) offers blessings to Shanta
189 1963-01-10
190 1963-01-16 p 190 & 191 likely one letter on two pages: no sig on p 190, text runs
to bottom, p 191 no greeting, no date. PS mentions events coming Jan 29 - Feb 2
192 1963-01-21
193 p 193 & 194 likely one letter on two pages: no sig on p 193, no date, text runs to
bottom, p 194 one line then date, sig + PS (mentions leaving for Udaipur Jan 27)
194 1963-01-25
195 undated p 195 & 196 likely one undated letter on two pages: no sig on p 195, text runs to bottom, p 196 one line then sig + PS (mentions Feb 3)
197 1963-02-04
198 1963-02-06 book has year as 1962, presumed mistaken
199 1963-02-11-am
200-1 1963-02-17 in wiki p 200-201 one letter: no sig on p 200, text runs to bottom, p 201 no date, no greeting, PS mentions Mar 2-3 events, + address and phone of Sundarlal Jain. ALERT: Letter image has a different date, 19 Feb!
202-3 1963-02-23-pm in wiki p 202-203 one letter: no date or sig on p 202, text runs to bottom, p 203 text starts in middle of sentence, has date, no greeting, no PS
204-5 1963-03-02-am in wiki p 204-205 one letter, written from Delhi: no sig on p 204, text runs to bottom, p 205 no date, no greeting, PS mentions Mar 8 event
206 1963-03-06-om in wiki
207 1963-03-12-pm in wiki
208 1963-03-18 in wiki
209 1963-03-22-xm in wiki
210 1963-03-27 in wiki
211 1963-03-28-am in wiki
212 1963-04-03 in wiki
213 1963-04-07 in wiki written from Indore, very short
214-5 1963-04-12-om in wiki p 214-215 one letter: no sig on p 214, text runs to bottom, p 215 no date, no greeting
216 1963-04-18-xm in wiki
217 1963-04-23-am in wiki
218 1963-05-16-om in wiki
219 1963-05-24-om written from Gadarwara, p 219 & 220 likely one letter on two pages: no sig on p 219, text runs to bottom, p 220 no date, no greeting
221 1963-05-26 in wiki
222 1963-06-03
223 1963-06-04 in wiki
224 1963-06-12
225 1963-06-14 in wiki
226 1963-06-16 in wiki
227 1963-06-20 in wiki
228 1963-06-25-am in wiki
229 1963-07-02-am in wiki book has year as 1993, PS mentions speaking in Allahabad "tomorrow"
230 1963-07-05-om in wiki Book has date as 4th Jul om, but this is the same letter. PS mentions writing on tour from Sachcha Baba Ashram, Arail, a district of Allahabad
231-2 1963-07-16-pm in wiki p 231-232 one letter: no sig on p 231, text runs to bottom, p 232 no date, no greeting
233-4 1963-07-25 in wiki written on tour from Nepanagar MP, p 233-234 one long letter: no sig on p 233, text runs to bottom, p 234 no date, no greeting; PS mentions events 3-5 Aug + contact info for Prafulla Chandra
235 1963-08-11-om
236 1963-08-15 in wiki long PS on reverse side of original is omitted, perhaps not noticed?
237-8 1963-08-18-pm in wiki p 237-238 one letter written on tour from Indore: date but no sig on p 237, text runs to bottom, p 238 no greeting
239-40 1963-08-28 in wiki p 239-240 one letter written on tour from Damoh (MP): date but no sig on p 239, text runs to bottom, p 240 no greeting
241 1963-08-26-pm written to Sharda
242 1963 in wiki "1963" is the only date info in the letter overtly.
243 1963-09-15 in wiki
244 1963-11-19-am in wiki PS mentions Taaran Taran birthday celebration 23-25 Dec
245 1963-11-09 in wiki "करनी" written above date, just means "doings", implications unclear.
246 1963-11-29 in wiki Date typed in actual letter is 22 Nov
247 1963-12-01 in wiki PS on reverse side of original is omitted, perhaps not noticed?
248 1963-12-16-am in wiki
249 1963-12-07-om
250 1964-02-21-am p 250 & 251 likely one letter written on two pages: no date, no sig on p 250, text runs to bottom, p 251 date but no greeting
252 1964-01-05
253 1964-01-31-am
254 undated
255 1964-01-17 short letter with lots of "........." mentions 23 Feb
256 1964-01-29
257 1964-08-27 PS includes address of Ramanlal C Shah